International Consortium of Research Excellence of the Theodor-Billroth-Academy®

The International Consortium of Research Excellence (INCORE) of the Theodor Billroth Academy® – TBA® is a global initiative dedicating to advancing translational research, scientific collaboration, and data-driven innovation.

By this, INCORE brings together leading researchers and institutions to address critical challenges in cancer research, medical sciences, humanitarian aid, education and training, as well as interdisciplinary research.

Exemplary involved colleagues as INCORE members are Ijaz S Jamall (Sacramento, CA, USA)Marijan Slak Rupnik (Vienna, Austria), Oliver Hayden (Munich, Germany), Björn Petersen (Mount Horeb, WI, USA), Aviram Nissan (Ramat Gan, Israel), Michael A Scherer (Munich, Germany), Avraham I Rivkind (Jerusalem, Israel), Mladjan Protic (Novi Sad, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia), Volkmar Weissig (Glendale, AZ, USA), Masaharu Seno (Okayama, Japan), Martin Daumer (Munich, Germany), Bruno Zilberstein (São Paulo, Brazil), Yoav Mintz (Jerusalem, Israel), Jose Florencio F Lapeña Jr. (Manila, Philippines), Ray Perkins (Owenton, KY, USA), Georgios Anogianakis (Thessaloniki, Greece), Jochen Salber (Bochum, Germany), Raimuno Araujo Jr. (Piauí, Brazil), José Manuel Correia da Costa (Porto, Portugal), Amir Szold (Tel Aviv, Israel), Lucio Lara Santos (Porto, Portugal), and many more.

Furthermore, INCORE drives forward-thinking research shaping the future, and supports scientific meetings of impact as well as collaborative projects. Knowledge exchange here is facilitated among scientists worldwide by global scientific collaboration.

The recitation number of INCORE publications continuously increases, and reached in 2025 already 2.000 + explaining its value and legacy. Here, some publications are single collaborations, some are part of a huge long-term ongoing conception.

One since 2012 created extremely complex huge and long term conception is Epistemology of the Origin of Cancer.




Epistemology of the Origin of Cancer I and II already contains various realized conceptions.

Concept 1 was defined 2012 and realized with 5 peer-reviewed and open-access publications between 2014 and 2016, and contains the cognition how the mass of cancers develop together with molecular cell signaling, knowledge in genomics, anticancer strategy and mutations.

(2014) Epistemology of the origin of cancer: a new paradigm, BMC Cancer 14(186), 1-15. 

(2014) Cell-Cell communication in tumor microenvironment, carcinogenesis and anticancer treatment, Cell Physiol Biochem 34(2), 213-243.


(2014) Imagine a World without Cancer, BMC Cancer 14(186), 1-8.


(2016)‎ Somatic Mutation Theory: Why it’s Wrong for Most Cancers, Cell Physiol Biochem 38(5), 1-18.


(2016) Genomics, microRNA, epigenetics, and proteomics for future diagnosis, treatment and monitoring response in upper GI cancers. Clin Transl Med 5(1), 1-16.


Concept 3 was also defined 2012 and realized with 10 peer-reviewed and open-access publications in 2019, and contains the -to provide the actual knowledge 5 years after the primary publication in 2014 together with necessary signaling and crosstalk.

(2019) Undervalued ubiquitous proteins, 4open 2(7), 1-13.

(2019) Chronic inflammation evoked by pathogenic stimulus during carcinogenesis, 4open 2(8), 1-22. 

(2019) Eicosanoids in carcinogenesis, 4open 2(9), 1-34.

(2019) Microbiome and morbid obesity increase pathogenic stimulus diversity, 4open 2(10), 1-16.

(2019) Precancerous niche (PCN), a product of fibrosis with remodeling by incessant chronic inflammation, 4open 2(11), 1-21.

(2019) Metformin alters signaling homeostasis, 4open 2(12), 1-17.

(2019) NF-κB signaling and crosstalk in carcinogenesis, 4open 2(13), 1-35.

(2019) Transition from normal to cancerous cell by precancerous niche (PCN) induced chronic cell-matrix stress, 4open 2(14), 1-31.

(2019) Synopsis: Special Issue, 4open 2(28), 1-30.

NF-κB (nuclear factor 'kappa-light-chain-enhancer' of activated B-cells)


different radiation // effects

- Hiroshima (high LET)   //   Nagasaki (low LET) -

CONCEPT 2 was also defined 2012 and realized in 2023 and contains the cognition which is the first cancer cell in carcinogenesis (= Epistemology of the Origin of Cancer II).


(2023) Epistemology of the Origin of Cancer II: Fibroblasts Are the First Cells to Undergo Neoplastic Transformation. Cell Physiol Biochem 2023;57(6):512-537.

SUPPLEMENT TO (2023) Epistemology of the Origin of Cancer II: Fibroblasts Are the First Cells to Undergo Neoplastic Transformation. Cell Physiol Biochem 2023;57(6):512-537.

CONCEPT 2 was also defined 2012 and realized in 2023 and contains the cognition which is the first cancer cell in carcinogenesis (= Epistemology of the Origin of Cancer II).

All these mentioned publications including its illustrations are by strategy free open access available, each peer-reviewed by physiologists, biochemists, and geneticist, and free for download.

INCORE Members

Ijaz S Jamall

Sacramento, CA, USA
© Ijaz S Jamall

Oliver Hayden

Munich, Germany
© A. Heddergott, TUM

Ray Perkins

Owenton, KY, USA
© Ray Perkins

Volkmar Weissig

Glendale, AZ, USA
© Volkmar Weissig

Masaharu Seno

Okayama, Japan
© Masaharu Seno

Marijan Slak Rupnik

© Marijan Slak Rupnik

Björn Petersen

Mount Horeb, WI, USA
© Björn Petersen

Amir Szold

Tel Aviv, Israel
© Amir Szold

José Manuel Correia da Costa

Porto, Portugal
© José Manuel Correia da Costa

Yoav Mintz

Jerusalem, Israel
© Marijan Slak Rupnik

Martin Daumer

Munich, Germany
© Martin Daumer

Jochen Salber

Bochum, Germany
© Jochen Salber

Avraham I Rivkind

Jerusalem, Israel
© Avraham I Rivkind

Mladjan Protic

Sremska Kamenica, Serbia
© Mladjan Protic

Bruno Zilberstein

São Paulo, Brazil
© Bruno Zilberstein

Jose Florencio F Lapeña Jr.

Manila, Philippines
© Jose Florencio F Lapeña Jr.

Aviram Nissan

Ramat Gan, Israel
© Aviram Nissan

Raimuno Araujo Jr.

Piauí, Brazil
© Raimuno Araujo Jr.

Michael A Scherer

Munich, Germany
© Michael A Scherer

Lucio Lara Santos

Porto, Portugal
© Lucio Lara Santos